
Thursday, December 3

seattle's backyard cottage ordinance

Welcome to those who are fans of small houses and urban living. Seattle's expanded backyard cottage ordinance goes into affect today after being approved unanimously by the city council.

What is a backyard cottage?

A backyard cottage is an detached accessory dwelling unit (DADU) a secondary stand alone residence in a single family residential zone. DADU's have been allowed in SE Seattle since 2006. Under the expanded ordinance separate cottages or DADU's are now allowed in single family zones throughout seattle. There are specific requirements that determine where they can be located and their height and size(see link below). What they look like, and how they function will be up to those who design and build and live in them. We hope that this blog can be a forum to promote good design of small dwellings.

Can I build a backyard cottage on my lot?

To find out if you can build a backyard cottage you can verify your lot size and zoning at the seattle dpd web page. Then review the specific code requirements. Otherwise you can contact a design professional to do the research for you. In general you need a minimum lot size of 4,000 sq ft. and lot width of 25ft. The cottage cannot be built in the front setback or within 5ft of the property line except where the property line abuts an alley. The height is limited based on the lot width and roof type. The total, gross floor, area of the cottage is limited to 800 sq. ft.

Seattle's Backyard Cottage Code

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