
Friday, March 26

Backyard Cottage Map

The City of Seattle has recently expanded the existing backyard cottage ordinance. The new ordinance allows backyard cottages in all Seattle neighborhoods on single family zoned lots that are at least 4,000 square feet. There are other specific requirements; contact us to find out if a backyard cottage will work on your lot.

To learn more about your lot click on the following link.

Enter your address in the upper left hand corner
Zoom in to your lot
Right click on your lot and click the green more link
On the upper left hand corner under under base zone it will say if a detached accessory dwelling unit is allowed. No? Don't despair, you have gained some valuable information. We can help you determine what options are available to you.

1 comment:

  1. This Parcel data must not have been updated yet... I'm finding many properties that meet the ordinance requirements but have "no" in the detached ADU field.


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