
Wednesday, August 31

backyard cottage proposed changes appeal today and tomorrow

The hearing will take place today, Wednesday and into Thursday if required by the Hearing Examiner. It will take place on the 40th floor of the Municipal Tower (700 5th Ave 98104) within the offices of the Hearing Examiner, room 4009, and begin promptly at 9:00 am. The hearing is public and open to everyone so please attend if you wish. The hearing room has limited seating so consider arriving early

The Office of Planning and Community Development released proposed code revisions to encourage the development of more backyard cottages on May 19th.  At that time, the Office of Planning and Community Development for the City of Seattle issued a determination that the legislation would not have significant adverse environmental impacts (DNS). The Queen Anne Community Council is challenging that determination and will appeal to the Hearing Examiner.  

If the appeal is successful, then the city must complete a full environmental impact statement (EIS) for the proposed changes. The EIS document is a collection of professional and expert studies and analysis, city department review and input, citizen review and input, multiple open and transparent public hearings, multiple drafts, and final approvals after public engagement.  

If the appeal is not successful, then the legislation is anticipated to come to the Council’s Planning, Land Use and Zoning Committee before the end of the year for discussion.

Wednesday, August 24

backyard cottage code changes

Wondering how the machinations of the Seattle City Council and the Queen Anne Community Council will impact your backyard cottage plans? Well frankly, so are we. Join us for a discussion on October 6th at the Phinney Neighborhood Association. 

Bruce Parker, Microhouse and; Stefan Hansmire, Ncompass Construction
Thursday, Oct 67-9pm
PC Blue Building, Room 3
$15 PNA member, $25 Public
 Register or 206.783.2244

Sunday, August 21

10,000+ on houzz

The Houzz community has saved photos of our backyard cottage projects to their idea books 10,000 or more times! 

Wednesday, August 10

backyard cottage proposed changes appeal - august 31st

The Office of Planning and Community Development released proposed code revisions to encourage the development of more backyard cottages on May 19th At that time, the Office of Planning and Community Development for the City of Seattle issued a determination that the legislation would not have significant adverse environmental impacts (DNS). The Queen Anne Community Council is challenging that determination and will appeal to the Hearing Examiner. The hearing date is now scheduled for August 30th.  

If the appeal is successful, then the city must complete a full environmental impact statement (EIS) for the proposed changes. The EIS document is a collection of professional and expert studies and analysis, city department review and input, citizen review and input, multiple open and transparent public hearings, multiple drafts, and final approvals after public engagement.  

If the appeal is not successful, then the legislation is anticipated to come to the Council’s Planning, Land Use and Zoning Committee before the end of the year for discussion.