
Tuesday, June 30

seattle DADU workshop tonight - 7:00 pm

a backyard cottage in Ballard
Thinking about the long-term use of a home and designing for flexibility is an important part of preparing for an uncertain future. DADUs allow people more flexibility to accommodate a growing family, changing work requirements, and to provide supplemental rental income. DADUs also provide valuable small housing stock in desirable neighborhoods.
Do you want to learn more about DADUs and meet others (virtually) thinking about building a DADU? Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Hansmire Builders to learn about what is possible in this unique webinar sponsored by Sustainable Ballard. In this workshop we will answer questions for people planning to build a backyard cottage, including explanations of what is possible given the new zoning rules. We will also discuss budget ranges for recently completed backyard cottages and financing options along with case studies.
Donations for Sustainable Ballard will be accepted.
Date: Tuesday June 30th
Time: 7:00 pm
Cost: Suggested Donation
Location: Online

Friday, June 19

Ballard DADU in the news

For the past four years, Drew Zandonella-Stannard's two mothers have lived in a custom-made backyard cottage in her backyard. Wanting to make sure her parents are cared for, Zandonella-Stannard and her husband spent months renovating their yard for the couple's home.
Zandonella-Stannard spoke with Insider about the project, and what it means to her to have her parents so close.

read the full story

Saturday, June 6

DADU Workshop - Housing and Resiliency

Thinking about the long-term use of your home, and designing for resilience, are an important parts of preparing for an uncertain future. Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (DADU) allow people more flexibility to accommodate a growing family, support changing work requirements, or to provide supplemental rental income. DADUs also provide valuable housing stock in desirable neighborhoods.
Do you want to learn more about DADUs and meet others (virtually) who want to build a DADU? Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Hansmire Builders to learn what is possible in this unique webinar sponsored by Sustainable Ballard. This workshop will answer questions for people planning to build a backyard cottage, including explanations of what is possible within the new zoning rules. We will also review case studies and discuss budget ranges for recently completed backyard cottages plus look at what financing options are available today.
Date: Tuesday June 30th Time: 7:00 pm Location: On Line Donation: $20 sustainable ballard members/$30 others Register