
Thursday, November 19

DADU workshop tonight - Thursday November 19th

Wondering can I build a DADU on my lot? Join Bruce Parker founder of microhouse and Stefan Hansmire of Hansmire Builders to learn what is possible and how to establish a realistic budget for your DADU. We will cover the basics of the Seattle land use code as it pertains to DADUs and have time at the end to answer questions about how they might apply to your specific project.

Time: Thursday 11/19 at 7:00 pm
Location: Online
Suggested donation $20 PNA members, $30 general public.
All proceeds support the Phinney Neighborhood Association


Friday, October 30

Questions about building a DADU? We have answers.

Can you build a DADU? Join us to find out what you need to know.

DADU’s can be used for many things, including housing a family member, a short term rental, a home office, or all of these things at different times. Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Hansmire Builders to learn about what is possible and how to budget for a DADU.

Time: Thursday 11/19 at 7:00 pm
Location: Online
Suggested donation $20 PNA members, $30 general public.
All proceeds support the Phinney Neighborhood Association


Wednesday, September 23

Can I build a DADU on my lot? DADU webinar September 30th

 Are you wondering what you need to know to plan and build a DADU?

Thinking about the long-term use of a home and designing for flexibility is an important part of preparing for an uncertain future. DADUs allow people more flexibility to accommodate a growing family, changing work requirements, and to provide supplemental rental income. DADUs also provide valuable small housing stock in desirable neighborhoods.
Do you want to learn more about DADUs and meet others (virtually) thinking about building a DADU? Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Hansmire Builders to learn about what is possible in this unique webinar sponsored by Sustainable Ballard. In this workshop we will answer questions for people planning to build a backyard cottage, including explanations of what is possible given the new zoning rules. We will also discuss budget ranges for recently completed backyard cottages and financing options along with case studies.
Donations for Sustainable Ballard will be accepted.
Date: Wednesday September 30th
Time: 7:00 pm
Cost: Suggested Donation
Location: Online


Friday, August 7

DADU - video of the week

The focus of  this video is the landacape of the Laurelhurst Backyard Cottage. While the cottage isn't the main focus, you can get a sense of how integral the landscape design was to the success of the project and how limited the construction access was to this DADU.  Landscape design by ANR Landscape Design. 

Laurelhurst DADU

Friday, July 10

DADU - anecdote of the week

Their soon to be completed backyard cottage was to become a rental in a desirable university district location then...

The owner's 82 year old father, being frustrated at being quarantined in his retirement community, began climbing out his window to sneak off and play golf. Now he will be living in the DADU and he won't have to climb out the window any more. As an added bonus he will be near his grandchildren and daughter.

Tuesday, June 30

seattle DADU workshop tonight - 7:00 pm

a backyard cottage in Ballard
Thinking about the long-term use of a home and designing for flexibility is an important part of preparing for an uncertain future. DADUs allow people more flexibility to accommodate a growing family, changing work requirements, and to provide supplemental rental income. DADUs also provide valuable small housing stock in desirable neighborhoods.
Do you want to learn more about DADUs and meet others (virtually) thinking about building a DADU? Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Hansmire Builders to learn about what is possible in this unique webinar sponsored by Sustainable Ballard. In this workshop we will answer questions for people planning to build a backyard cottage, including explanations of what is possible given the new zoning rules. We will also discuss budget ranges for recently completed backyard cottages and financing options along with case studies.
Donations for Sustainable Ballard will be accepted.
Date: Tuesday June 30th
Time: 7:00 pm
Cost: Suggested Donation
Location: Online

Friday, June 19

Ballard DADU in the news

For the past four years, Drew Zandonella-Stannard's two mothers have lived in a custom-made backyard cottage in her backyard. Wanting to make sure her parents are cared for, Zandonella-Stannard and her husband spent months renovating their yard for the couple's home.
Zandonella-Stannard spoke with Insider about the project, and what it means to her to have her parents so close.

read the full story

Saturday, June 6

DADU Workshop - Housing and Resiliency

Thinking about the long-term use of your home, and designing for resilience, are an important parts of preparing for an uncertain future. Detached Accessory Dwelling Units (DADU) allow people more flexibility to accommodate a growing family, support changing work requirements, or to provide supplemental rental income. DADUs also provide valuable housing stock in desirable neighborhoods.
Do you want to learn more about DADUs and meet others (virtually) who want to build a DADU? Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Hansmire Builders to learn what is possible in this unique webinar sponsored by Sustainable Ballard. This workshop will answer questions for people planning to build a backyard cottage, including explanations of what is possible within the new zoning rules. We will also review case studies and discuss budget ranges for recently completed backyard cottages plus look at what financing options are available today.
Date: Tuesday June 30th Time: 7:00 pm Location: On Line Donation: $20 sustainable ballard members/$30 others Register

Tuesday, April 28

DADU photo of the week - green roof

DADU, view from the primary residence. 

The roof of this DADU was designed to be seen. For more images visit the Laurelhurst Cottage on our website. 

Wednesday, April 22

DADU workshop thursday 4/23 at 7:00 pm

The next of popular DADU workshops scheduled for this Thursday has moved online. Sign up for our open house invites for more information and updates.

Backyard cottages can be used for many things, including housing a family member, a short term rental, a home office, or all of these things. Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Hansmire Builders to learn about what is possible and what is going on with the industry right now.

Time: Thursday 4/23 at 7:00 pm
Location: Online
Suggested donation $20 PNA members, $30 general public. All proceeds support the Phinney Neighborhood Association

DADU photo of the week

microhouse interns imagine what backyard cottages might be like if there were no height limit.

Wednesday, April 1

Self Guided DADU tour

We are unable to host DADU open houses for the near term. And our annual spring backyard cottage tour is also up in the air.  However, a great alternative is a self guided walking or biking cottage tour.  The following is a link to our DADU tour from last spring which featured owner built cottages.

NW Seattle DADU tour

Start 11233 Phinney Ave N

A.   11041 1st Ave NW

B. 3040 NW 63rd St 

C. 5014 8th Ave NW

D. 4134 1st Ave NW

Additional nearby cottages

3410 NW 65th St

919 NW 65th St

We are working on adding video content and other images from these cottages. The best collection of DADU images can be found on our web site.

Tuesday, March 24

DADUs - Resiliency and Planning

Thinking about the long-term use of a home and designing for flexibility is an important part of preparing for an uncertain future. Adding a DADU or ADU to an existing home is an important consideration. ADUs allow people more flexibility to accommodate a growing family, changing work requirements, and to provide supplemental rental income.

DADUs and ADUs also provide an opportunity for elderly family members to live close and be a bigger part of their families lives while allowing them independence.  Congregate living has efficiencies with scale and the number of residence. The downsides to congregate living have become readily apparent with the spread of COVID-19. On the other hand, seniors living in a family DADU are more readily able to regulate personal contacts and to shelter in place with their families.

Building a DADU starts with planning and we are here to help

The first questions we usually answer for people planning to build a backyard cottage are about feasibility, cost, and design which are all interrelated. A preliminary site assessment, which we can do over the phone or via email, is the first part. At that time, we can discuss budget ranges for recently completed backyard cottages.

To get started, contact us with your address and the goals for your cottage. We’ll be in touch a schedule a phone meeting

Thursday, March 19

DADU - photo of the week

ballard DADU

For DADUs rooms that serve multiple functions are a must. This small backyard cottage is about as versatile as they come.  The ground floor is an open floor plan with kitchen living and bath. The 2nd floor has a large bedroom and bath with kitchenette. A door separating the two floors allows them to be used together, as they typically are, or for the 2nd floor to be rented out independently.  And of course there is the "man wall" complete with weight rack, beer fridge and taps. The exposed wood joists were spaced to accommodate the clearance for the weights.

For more photos

Monday, March 2

DADU workshop April 23rd

Backyard Cottages for Fun and Profit
Thursday, April 23rd 7:00-9:00 pm

Backyard cottages can be used for many things, including housing a family member or as a short term rental. Join Bruce Parker from Microhouse and Stefan Hansmire from Stefan Hansmire Builds to learn what is possible and how to establish a realistic budget for your cottage.
Location: Online
Suggested Donation: $20 PNA members, $30 general public. All proceeds support the Phinney Neighborhood Association


Thursday, February 27

DADU open house re-scheduled for Sunday March 15th - postponed

Our next open house at 2433 1st Ave N scheduled for Sunday March 15th has been postponed. In the mean time we will be posting a video walk through. If you have questions about this DADU or building your own DADU please contact us through the contact widget.

This cottage features a lower level office with separate entrance and a garage, with a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom unit above.  The DADU is 800 sq. ft. total in size. 

Photos coming soon.