seattle backyard cottage blog

Backyard cottages (DADUs) provide opportunities for families, while increasing housing stock density and diversity. Continue reading for more information about Seattle's backyard cottage ordinance or contact us to find out if your lot is eligible for a backyard cottage..

Saturday, December 19

happy holidays

Microhouse will be closed between December 20th and January 4th. 

Over the holidays when families gather is a good time to start the discussion about planning a backyard cottage.  If you are thinking about building a backyard cottage, and would like us to preform a preliminary analysis of your property, please send us an email and tell us your address and what you plan to use the cottage for. We will get back to you after the holidays.  Also, we have an invite only open house tentatively scheduled for January 3rd.  The exact date is dependent on the construction schedule.  If you would  to be added to the invite list  or to contact us during the holiday break email us at .

Happy Holidays

Friday, December 4

encouraging backyard cottages

The city of Seattle and council member Mike O'Brien want more backyard cottages . The Seattle department of planning and development (DPD) have created a liaison position Nicolas Welch to field suggestions about how to improve the process of permitting. We suggest as a starting point that DPD have a designated land use reviewer for accessory dwelling units to streamline the review process and provide consistency. Possibly because backyard cottages have been a low priority every reviewer seems to have a different way of measuring basic criteria like square footage and height. This is adding unnecessary delays and project costs. 

encouraging backyard cottages

Join us December 9th for Mike O'Brien's lunch and learn session about backyard cottages.