seattle backyard cottage blog

Backyard cottages (DADUs) provide opportunities for families, while increasing housing stock density and diversity. Continue reading for more information about Seattle's backyard cottage ordinance or contact us to find out if your lot is eligible for a backyard cottage..

Monday, August 16

Rain Garden - Ballard

Here is a photo of a small rain garden designed by Landscape Architect Vinita Sidhu nearing completion Ballard. The garden is designed to handle the roof runoff from an existing garage. During heavy storms and prolonged periods of rainfall the rain garden will briefly fill with rainwater. The owner chose a decorative rain chain to connect the gutter to the inlet providing visual interest even during periods of light rain. 

The rich soil mix chosen for the rain garden forms a depression that will collect the water like a sponge slowly releasing it into the ground. Water loving native plants will thrive here.  Prior to the installation, the runoff was collected by a combined sewer system, pumped, treated and discharged into the Puget Sound.